Contact us.
At Howard Place Dental Practice we are committed to providing the highest possible standards of care for our patients. An important part of fulfilling this commitment is ensuring that we work in partnership with you.
This helps us understand you and tend to your specific needs. Although we aim to provide appointments on demand for our existing patients we do welcome new patients to the practice.
For information on how to join call +44 131 556 7232. An initial consultation costs £85.00.
Once dentally fit patients can choose to go onto the Lothian Independent Practitioner's Care Plan or alternatively pay for treatment as they receive it.
Emergency Treatment
Emergency treatment outwith surgery hours:
Weekdays - +44 7745 072 195
Weekends - +44 7661 001 201
Complaints Proceedure:
Should you have a complaint about any aspect of treatment please direct this in the first instance to Jonathan Turnbull on the contact details on this site.
Should you be in any way unhappy with the outcome it is possible to contact:
For any NHS treatment
NHS Lothian Complaints Team
2 - 4 Waterloo Place
Telephone: +44 131 536 3370
Email: complaints.team@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
For private treatment:
Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Phone: +44 8456 120540
Email: info@dentalcomplaints.org.uk
Website: www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk
The practice is not accessible without the use of stairs and therefore wheelchair access is difficult.
Arrangements are in place for patients in wheelchairs to be seen off site.
Surgery Times
8.30am–1.00pm and 2.00pm-5.00pm
4 Howard Place,
Edinburgh EH3 5JZ+44 131 556 7232
Make an Appointment.
Online or by phone, whatever works best for you?.